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Search : `Cheloctonus jonesii` - PubMed Results: 31
  1. Romano J, Hoyer N, Krumbeck JA, Goodnight A, Brandão J, Sadar MJ
    J Zoo Wildl Med 2024 Dec;55(4):849-857 PMID:39699131 PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

  2. Johns JW, Min Y, Ballerini ES, Kramer EM, Hodges SA
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  3. Jordaan BJ, van As J, Netherlands EC
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  4. Tennakoon DS, Thambugala KM, de Silva NI, Suwannarach N, Lumyong S
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  5. Duarte-Mata E, Elias R, Hanna JW, Klopfenstein NB, Kim MS
    Plant Dis 2020 Jul 28; PMID:32720881 PubMed - as supplied by publisher

  6. Lee SR, Kim K, Lee BY, Lim CE
    BMC Genomics 2019 Nov 9;20(1):833 PMID:31706273 PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

  7. Pence VC, Finke LR, Chaiken MF
    Conserv Physiol 2017;5(1):cox053 PMID:28959449 PubMed

  8. Senanayake IC, Crous PW, Groenewald JZ, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Jeewon R, Phillips AJL, Bhat JD, Perera RH, Li QR, Li WJ, Tangthirasunun N, Norphanphoun C, Karunarathna SC, Camporesi E, Manawasighe IS, Al-Sadi AM, Hyde KD
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  9. Derakhshani H, Corley SW, Al Jassim R
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  10. Holland-Moritz HE, Coil DA, Badger JH, Dmitrov GI, Khouri H, Ward NL, Robb FT, Eisen JA
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  13. Agorreta A, Domínguez-Domínguez O, Reina RG, Miranda R, Bermingham E, Doadrio I
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Last update : 2025-01-02 16:02:11